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Back 1st Steering Group meeting of the project “Combating violence against women and children in Ukraine”

1st Steering Group meeting of the project “Combating violence against women and children in Ukraine”

The first Steering Group meeting of the Council of Europe project Combating violence against women and children in Ukraine is organized on 29th June 2017 in the premises of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine in Kiev. The meeting gathers focal points from the Ministries of Social Policy, Interior, Justice, Education, Health as well as the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, the Representative for Children of the President of Ukraine, the National School of Judges, the National Academy of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and selected NGOs. Securing the presence of such a wide range of key stakeholders is essential for the project that promotes interagency cooperation to combat violence against women and children more efficiently in the country. The meeting will be opened by the Deputy Minister Natalka Fedorovych and Mr Mårten Ehnberg, the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine.

The Project Steering Group is set up to give strategic guidance, evaluate and facilitate the implementation of project activities. With regard to combating violence against women, the objectives of the project are:

  • To improve and complement existing and new awareness raising initiatives violence against women in close co-operation with authorities, civil society, especially women’s organizations, and the media;
  • To develop guidance to law enforcement to effectively investigate cases of violence against women;
  • To develop quality criteria for specialized support services (shelters) 
  • To provide training to judges and prosecutors on dealing with cases of violence against women;
  • To support the Ukrainian authorities to ratify the Istanbul Convention

With regard to combating violence against children, the project focuses on:

  • Promoting the development of an integrated national strategy to protect children from all forms of violence with key Ministries and stakeholders at the national level;
  • at the oblast level, preparing for the piloting of the so-called “Children’s house” - a child-friendly, multi-disciplinary and multiagency response for child abuse and services for child victims and witnesses of violence;
  • Building the capacity of professionals across sectors in contact with children and dealing with cases of child sexual abuse; and
  • Raising awareness on the incidence and harmful effects of child sexual abuse and exploitation and building the capacity of the civil society.

The project has a budget of 300,000€ and will be implemented in the course of 2017.

 List of participants

 Agenda of the meeting

Kyiv, Ukraine 29 June 2017
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About Project
Other useful links

Council of Europe link
Council of Europe in Ukraine link
Gender Equality at the Council of Europe link
Children Rights at the Council of Europe link
Parliamentary Network "Women Free from Violence" link
Council of Europe Gender Equality Division link
Istanbul Convention/GREVIO link
Lanzarote Convention link
Lanzarote Committee link
Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) link
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights link

Project materials
The Council of Europe Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) Programme and the Council of Europe Violence against Women Division  and Children Right's...
Project Contact information

Combating violence against vulnerable groups (women and children) in Ukraine”

Violence against Women Division, Directorate General of Democracy
67075 Strasbourg Cedex, FRANCE
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 2253
Fax +33 (0)3 88 41 2705

Marta Becerra Amate, Programme Advisor, Department of Equality and Human Dignity at the DG II - Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality, Strasbourg

Valeria Reva, Project Assistant, Strasbourg

Children’s Rights Division, Directorate General of Democracy
67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 35 48
Fax: +33 (0)3 90 21 52 85
Twitter: @CoE_children
Facebook: Council of Europe One in Five Campaign

Mirka Honko, Senior Project Officer, Children’s Rights Division at the DG II - Directorate of Human Dignity and Equality, Strasbourg

Council of Europe Office in Ukraine

8 Illinska St., entrance 7, 6th floor
04070 Kyiv, UKRAINE
Tel. +380 (0)44 425 60 01
Fax: +380 (0)44 425 02 62 (ext. 111)

Iryna Svavolya, Project Officer, Kyiv

Valentyna Kryvenkova, Project Assistant, Kyiv


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Back 18 November - European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse

18 November - European Day  on the Protection  of Children against  Sexual Exploitation  and Sexual Abuse

“Tell someone you trust”

18 November is the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse. Ukraine marks this day together with other European countries. It is estimated that every 9 minutes a webpage shows a child being sexually abused and about 1 in 5 children in Europe are victims of some form of sexual violence with 70-85% of cases the abuser is somebody the child knows.

The Council of Europe, the President’s Representative for Children, the NGOs La Strada, Magnolia, Child Well-being Fund Ukraine, Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities, National Children’s Council and Olvia call for joint action and effective measures of authorities, civil society, international and specialised organisations to combat child sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine.

The Council of Europe Convention for the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, also known as the “Lanzarote Convention”, is to date the most ambitious and comprehensive international legal instrument on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Ukraine is party to the Lanzarote Convention since 2012 and under the obligation to establish specific legislation criminalising such behaviour and take measures to prevent sexual violence as well as protect child victims and prosecute perpetrators.

To mark the European Day and raise awareness on the incidence and consequences of child sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine, the Council of Europe supports the joint “Tell someone you trust” campaign of six civil society organisations:

  • NGO “La Strada” targets parliamentarians and journalists through press events on 17 November at Verkhovna Rada and Media Crisis Centre and the general public through internet and media flashmobs to take action to ensure the Government of Ukraine fulfil its commitments under the Lanzarote Convention.
  • All Ukrainian NGO “Magnolia” broadcasts live TV programme “Without Taboo” on "ChP.INFO" (ЧП.INFO) TV channel and hosts interactive video blogs.
  • All-Ukrainian Charity "Child Well-being Fund Ukraine" trains and sensitises up to 414 professionals working with children and parents through webinars and distribution of education materials.
  • NGO “Kyiv School of Equal Opportunities” organises interactive and participative activities for 800 children aged between 8-16 years from 24 regions of Ukraine at the Artek camp in Kyiv on 17-18 November on the subject of “safe behaviour in the Internet”.
  • Public Association “National Children’s Council” raises awareness on the incidence of violence against children in alternative care institutions through activities training children and young people living in these institutions on their rights and targeting their mentors on identifying and reporting suspected cases of violence.
  • Pervomaisk Youth Women's Information and Coordination Centre "Olvia” organises a regional campaign targeting local authorities, professionals and the general public in Pervomaisk region through round table events, flasmobs, banners and broadcasting of cartoons.

More information


18 November - European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
Kyiv, Ukraine 17 November 2017
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