What is the project about?

The Project “Freedom of media in Ukraine”, implemented within the Council of Europe (CoE) and European Union (EU) Programmatic Cooperation Framework (PCF) is aimed to improve freedom, independence, pluralism and diversity of media in Ukraine.

What is the situation?

The Law on audio visual services is a key law for the media sphere and according to EU-Ukraine Association Agreement Ukraine should gradually approximate its legislation on audio-visual policy within 2 years of the entry into force of this Agreement. The law will replace the Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting and the Law on the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine. The draft Law has been developed with support of CoE pervious projects and is expected to be tabled and reviewed by the Parliament in 2016.

The Law on transparency of media ownership was adopted on 3 September 2015, establishing one of the best legal frameworks in Europe. The law was positively assessed by CoE expert, who provided a post-adoption analysis of the Law on transparency of media ownership.  Now it is necessary to focus on implementation of the law, develop a practical mechanism of disclosure of media ownership and final beneficiaries and develop capacity of the regulator to implement the law.

Community media, mostly TV and radio, established and controlled by a community, either a geographic or a community of identity or interest are an important tool for informing citizens at the local level in CoE member states. Unfortunately, development of the community media in Ukraine is at the initial stage.

Ukraine has entered a crucial and decisive phase of launching a public broadcasting system. However the level of awareness on public broadcasting and its channels is rather law. Only 34% of adult population have heard anything about launching of the public broadcasting in 2015 and only 9% are acutely aware about it according to GFK survey held in 2015 under support of EU/CoE Joint Programme. Only 16 % responded that they have seen any advertisement and promotional  materials of the public broadcasting and its channels.

What is PCF

In April 2014, the European Union and the Council of Europe agreed in a Statement of Intent that targeted cooperation activities with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus - the EU’s Eastern Partnership countries - would be implemented under a ‘Programmatic Cooperation Framework’ (PCF).

These cooperation activities intend to strengthen the capacity of Eastern Partnership countries, which are the member states of the Council of Europe, with the exception of Belarus, and to implement domestic reforms to bring them closer to the standards of the Council of Europe and the European Union in the fields of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

Who finances the Project and what is its duration?

The total budget of the Project is 177 thousand euro. The project is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.  The project implementation period is 1 January - 31 December 2016.

What are the expected results of the Project?
  1. CoE expert support for adoption of the Law on audio visual services is provided, public discussions on the Draft Law are organised;
  2. The capacity of the National TV and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine in implementation of the law on transparency media ownership, digital switchover, implementation of sanctions to broadcasters, transition from licensing to permissions system is increased. The web-site of the regulator to perform the new functions for transparency of media ownership is modernized in accordance with the Council of Europe expert recommendations;
  3. More community media outlets in the regions of Ukraine, including in the areas where ethnic minorities live are established. Awareness of the MPs and authorities on media policy on community basis is increased, the legislation in this area is improved;
  4. Public awareness about the role and importance of the public service broadcaster is increased.
Who do we plan to work with?

Our main partners are the National TV and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine, the Parliamentary Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Policy, the National Television Company of Ukraine (which is being transformed into the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine), civil society and media organizations.

How to stay in touch with the Project?

If you are interested in activities of the project please follow us on project’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CoEUPSIS.

8 Illinska str., 8 entrance, 5th floor
04070 Kyiv, Ukraine

Project assistant
Orysya Fedorchuk

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Back World Press Freedom Day - the round table on freedom of speech in Kyiv

World Press Freedom Day - the round table on freedom of speech in Kyiv

May 3, Kyiv: A round table “Freedom of speech in Ukraine: current status and challenges” was held devoted to the World Press Freedom Day. The discussion was organised by the Information Society Department of the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe and the European Union Partnership for Good Governance jointly with the Ministry of Information Policy and CSO “Institute of Mass Information”.

The goal of the round table was to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation among state authorities, law enforcement agencies, civil society and international organisations for improving the legal protection of journalists, ensuring favourable conditions for journalists' work and aligning Ukrainian legislation to the Council of Europe standards.

Opening the round table, Olena Lytvynenko, Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine drew attention to the article of the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović calling on member states to improve the safety of journalists and presented three practical actions proposed in the article.

Johann Bihr, Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Desk of “Reporters Without Borders” presented the ranking of Ukraine in the updated World Press Freedom Index on results of 2017, where Ukraine has risen one step higher up (101 in the 2018 World Press Freedom Index and 102 in 2017). Johann Bihr said that while Ukraine saw fewer abuses in the past year, where it now seems to be stuck in the Index is disappointing after the promises of the 2014 revolution. Also, he presented the Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists. Oksana Romanyuk, Executive Director of the NGO "Institute of Mass Information” presented the analytics regarding freedom of speech violations in annual monitoring “Freedom of Press Barometer” carried out by CSO “Institute of Mass Information”.

The representatives of the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs updated the audience on the status of investigations of specific cases of offences against media professionals and the situation with investigation of crimes committed against media professionals in general in Ukraine.

Galyna Smirnova, Senior Project Officer of the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening freedom of the media and establishing a public broadcasting system in Ukraine” presented the Council of Europe standards, focusing on Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors.

Oleksandra Yanovska, Judge of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and in the past - Consultant of the Council of Europe in Ukraine presented the Recommendations of the Council of Europe expertise of the Criminal Code of Ukraine concerning offenses against media professionals carried out in September 2017. The participants discussed possible mechanisms to implement a key recommendation of the expertise - broadening and improving the definition of “professional activities of a journalist” in line with Council of Europe standards and the examples of other countries (e.g. Serbia).

About 70 participants have taken part in a lively discussion on the situation in area of safety of media professionals in Ukraine, including MPs members of the Parliamentary Committee on Freedom of Speech and Information Policy, representatives of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Police, civil society and international organisations.

Kyiv, Ukraine 15 May 2018
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