Back IDP needs assessment tool has been developed

IDP needs assessment tool has been developed

October - November 2019, the experts of Kharkiv Institute for Social Research have been working on a tool to assess the needs of internally displaced persons in host communities.

Consultants of the Institute analysed legislation on internal displacement and existing protection mechanisms in host communities.  

Focus groups and deep interviews with representatives of local community in Izyum have been conducted.  

As a result a set of questionnaires has been developed and tested. Representatives of departments of social protection, education and health as well as employment centre, centre of social service contributed to the outputs.

The tool is aimed at backstopping elaboration and funding of local integration programmes.
Kharkiv region October-November 2019
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Description of the projects
Findings and materials

Gender aspects of internal displacement: publications and training manual

7 August 2020 Kharkiv

Kharkiv Regional Foundation “Public Alternative” finalized its activities in the framework of the grant provided by the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions”. The grant “Gender sensitiveness of local policies and legal practices on internal displacement”...

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Presentation of the manual on assessing the needs of IDPs at local level

30 July 2020 Kyiv

On July 29, a manual on assessing the needs of internally displaced persons at local level was presented in Kyiv. This tool has been developed by Kharkiv Institute for Social Research in the framework of the grant provided by the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine:...

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Gender aspects of internal displacement: recommendations to decision-makers, legal professionals, business and NGOs

29 July 2020 Kharkiv

In mid-July 2020 Kharkiv Regional Foundation “Public Alternative” carried out the series of webinars in the framework of the grant provided by the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions”. The grant “Gender sensitiveness of local policies and legal...

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Forum on the issues of IDPs launched with the support of the Council of Europe

1 July 2020 Dnipro

The function of forum is now available as a part of the mobile application for internally displaced persons “IDPRights”. The Council of Europe Project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions” supported the development of the content of the several sections and continues to promote...

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Grantee of the Council of Europe presented the outcomes in the field of the protection of IDPs

26 June 2020 Kyiv

On June25 the partners and beneficiaries of the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions” took part in online presentation of the activities of NGO “Civil Holding “GROUP OF INFLUENCE” within the grant provided by the Council of Europe. Since September 2019...

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IDP needs assessment conducted in Izum amalgamated community

28 February 2020 Izum, Kharkiv region

On February 28, 2020, the results of IDP needs assessment conducted by the experts of Kharkiv Institute for Social Research presented in Izyum amalgamated community. The event was attended by the city high management, heads of key departments as well as civil society organizations....

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Temporary housing for IDPs in Ukraine: infographics

2 December 2019 Kyiv

NGO “Civil Holding “GROUP OF INFLUENCE” within the grant provided by the Council of Europe project “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Building Solutions” developed an infographics on how communities and citizens can benefit from the programme of temporary housing for internally displaced persons....

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Gender approach to the issues of internal displacement

Mid-November 2019 Poltava, Luhansk regions

Two-day training on gender sensitivity of local policies and legal practices on internal displacement under the same-name project held in Poltava (November 11-12) and Rubizhne (November 15-16). Around 50 representatives of local authorities, civil society organizations and business took part in...

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IDP needs assessment tool has been developed

October-November 2019 Kharkiv region

October - November 2019, the experts of Kharkiv Institute for Social Research have been working on a tool to assess the needs of internally displaced persons in host communities. Consultants of the Institute analysed legislation on internal displacement and existing protection mechanisms in host...

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Tips for a successful advocacy campaign

28 October 2019 Kyiv

25-27 October the second training on advocacy and communication held in Kyiv. 20 representatives of IDPs, NGOs and local authorities took part. In participants’ opinion the successful advocacy campaign comprises the following: • an initiative group of people who share common values and interests...

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