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 Please note: the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine currently operates in hybrid mode.
To contact us, please email kyiv For a specific project, please visit the Projects and Programmes web-page to find out respective contact forms (office landlines may not function as usual).

Office News and Announcements

Back CALL FOR TENDER No 12-8417-2016

For the for the production of a series of books and infographics

Dear all, who would like to participate in the tender,

Please submit an application with the specification of expected services or detailed pro forma invoice.

Application should be sent till 12:00, November 28, 2016 Kyiv time to e-mail address:, in cc: Subject of e-mail «Назва компанії_Заявка на тендер 8417_ Друк».

For further information please contact Kateryna Sasina, Administrative Assistant Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and territorial consolidation in Ukraine”: +3 (8044) 303 99 16 ext. 112.

More detailed information and documentations are available in description  in Ukrainian only.

Kyiv 21 November 2016
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Офіс Ради Європи в Україні
вул. Іллінська, 8, під'їзд 7, поверх 6
Київ, 04070 Україна
Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
8, Illinska str., 7 entrance, 6 floor
Kyiv 04070, Ukraine

Голова Офісу Ради Європи в Україні
пан Мачей Янчак

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine 
Mr Maciej Janczak

Tel.+38 044 425 60 01 
          +38 044 425 02 62

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