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Back Integration activity “Day of Tolerance: creating mercy together"

Integration activity “Day of Tolerance: creating mercy together

The Integration activity “Day of Tolerance: creating mercy together" was organised by the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” jointly with the Kyiv Regional State Administration, the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The event was held in Kyiv on the 24th of November 2016 for IDPs children and Crimean Tatar families at the premises of the National Library of Ukraine for Children.

Around one hundred children attended the activity: watched the puppet show «Music tree» (concert hall), had excursion in the library, learnt about Council of Europe standards and values thanks to the lesson on children rights called as «I learn to protect myself! Children rights and obligations go always together».

During the second part of the day children were divided into smaller groups and got a chance to learn more about what does it means to be a tolerant person. They participated in the session “Hour of tolerance” in different units of the library divided into smaller lessons: Patriotic hour «It is time for us to live for Ukraine» (reading hall of the junior unit), Game-conversation «We are all different, but we are all equal» (reading hall of the senior unit) and «Living library» (unit of foreign language documents).

At the end of the day all children established new contacts, learnt about their rights and meaning of tolerance at everyday life. Thanks to different workshops in aqua make-up, weaving of patriotic bracelets and mehndi they received a psychological reloading and some souvenirs from the event. The event was closed with the show program (concert) prepared by children from Crimean Tatars culture and educational center «Crimean Family».

Kyiv 30 Novmember 2016
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