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Summer School “Internal displacement in Ukraine: learning for common solutions”

From 14 to 18 of August 2017 the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” in the framework of cooperation with the Ministry of temporary occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine held a Summer School for organizations and institutions dealing with internally displaced persons “Internal Displacement in Ukraine: Learning for common solutions”.

The event, which brought together experts and participants from 13 regions of Ukraine, as well as Serbia and France, was organized in Truskavets, Lviv region.

The Summer School aimed to create space for common learning, sharing experience and networking in order to enhance capacities of representatives of public authorities and NGOs for effective cooperation in the interest of internally displaced persons, protection and exercise of their rights.

80 persons representing public authorities both at the national and local levels, non-governmental organizations, local self-government, social services, educational and research institutions took part in the activity.

Notably, that Mr. Vadym Chernysh, the Minister for Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, also took part in the event actively contributing to the panel discussions during two first days of the activity. 

Intensive five days program of the School included inputs from international and national experts, panel discussions, thematic workshops, meetings of the Working Group on Improving National Legislation on the Protection of the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, space for experience exchange and study visits to organizations working with IDPs.

Panel discussions of international experts were devoted to the Council of Europe standards of the protection of the rights of IDPs, in particular, the European Social Charter and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. Participants were also introduced to the experience of the Balkans to overcome the consequences of displacement: housing programs for IDPs in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, conflict management between IDPs and host communities in Croatia.

During thematic workshops participants learned about the practice of national courts and the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights protecting IDPs, discussed the forms of advocacy and tools to combat gender-based violence and discrimination, practiced methods to support internal resources for preventing of burnouts, discovered the tips for successful project management, partnership building and working with media.

During the meetings of the Working Group on Improving National Legislation on the Protection of the Human Rights of IDPs, each participant got acquainted with the drafts of Ukrainian legislation documents and could contribute to their content.

On the last day of the School participants visited three organizations working with internally displaced persons in Lviv region and exchanged experiences of integration projects implementation.

According to participants which represent both public sector and NGOs, this activity became an important event for them, it provided a powerful impetus for professional self-development and served as an assurance of the further cooperation in the interests of IDPs and affected population.

Lviv region, Ukraine 22 August
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