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Ganna Khrystova, Senior Project Officer (Kyiv)

Oleksii Murashkevych, Project Officer


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Back Informational breakfasts with MPs on the issues of internally displaced persons in Ukraine

Informational breakfasts with MPs on the issues of internally displaced persons in Ukraine

During November-December 2017, the Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine” in cooperation with non-governmental organization “Civil Holding "GROUP OF INFLUENCE” organized three informational breakfasts with members of the Parliament devoted to the issues of internally displaced persons in Ukraine.

In total, three breakfasts were held. Each of them was devoted to a defined topic: legislative initiatives on the implementation of voting rights of IDPs at all levels of elections; realization of social and economic rights, in particular, receiving of pensions by internally displaced persons and residents of non-government controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions; housing and property rights of IDPs.

There are people's deputies of Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada), representing various parliamentary factions and groups, as well as non-factional deputies, representatives of national authorities and state institutions, international organizations, UN agencies and leaders of national civil society organizations dealing with internally displaced persons took part in the activities.

During the events, legislative initiatives aimed at solving systematic issues of internally displaced persons were introduced, international and European standards of the protection of the rights of IDPs were discussed, and obstacles to the formation of parliamentary consensus in certain areas were analyzed.

Organizers have hope that productive communication in a non-formal atmosphere will have a positive effect on legislative and practical ensuring of the rights of internally displaced persons.

As a result of the meetings, an agreement between the authorities and civil society on the need to tackle the issues of IDPs as soon as possible, was reached. In addition, during the discussions participants outlined follow-up steps for joint activities at the national level using various advocacy tools.
Kyiv 7 December 2017
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