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The €1.400 million Project is implemented in 2015-2016 under Programmatic Co-operation Framework between the European Union and the Council of Europe for the countries of Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Joint Programme between the EU and the CoE
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Project Coordinator in Strasbourg, Head of the Unit, Eastern Partnership:
Tigran Karapetyan
Tel: +33(0)390215930


Senior Project Officer:
Victoria Galperina
Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 130)


Project Assistant:
Iryna Krutova

Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 131)

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Back Continuation of the series of trainings “Identification and response to discrimination”

Continuation of the series of trainings “Identification and response to discrimination”

Uzhgorod, 19-20 April 2017

Dnipro, 17-18 May 2017

Council of Europe in the framework of the Joint EU/CoE Project “Strengthening Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine” continues fruitful cooperation with the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights strengthening its capacity in realization of non-discrimination advocacy and dissemination of information on non-discrimination issues.

Consequently, a series of trainings for public officials representing different state institutions and regions of Ukraine has been launched in 2017 to promote knowledge about non-discrimination issues and stimulate the discourse on equality, inequality and a need to achieve full equality in practice.

On 19-20 April 2017 the first training on non-discrimination was conducted in Uzhgorod with tailor-made sessions regarding the problems of this region. Aksana Filipishyna, Representative of the Commissioner, led a vivid discussion on a need to combat discrimination of Roma population in the region, including ensuring access to education and medical care. The positive feedback from the participants has proven the necessity of targeted capacity building activities, based on analysis of problems and needs of a specific group of professionals in different regions of Ukraine.

Another fruitful discussion was held during the training on non-discrimination in Dnipro on 17-18 May 2017. Participants have shown interest in antidiscrimination thematic highlighting an urgent need in combatting discrimination on the ground of age and eliminating discrimination in relation to children rights for education, which are spread in the region. The most part of the discussion on antidiscrimination legislation was supported by the role playing and ECHR case law related to noted cases on discrimination.

Trainings are organized as a part of activities planned jointly by the Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights and the Joint EU/CoE Project “Strengthening Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine” within the plan of actions for 2017 with a next part of trainings on non-discrimination to be held in central regions of Ukraine in September-October 2017 and publication of Analytical research on international practices of antidiscrimination expertise of the legislative acts to be presented to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in October 2017.

Kyiv, Ukraine 07 August 2017
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