Budget and timelines

The €1.400 million Project is implemented in 2015-2016 under Programmatic Co-operation Framework between the European Union and the Council of Europe for the countries of Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Joint Programme between the EU and the CoE
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Project Coordinator in Strasbourg, Head of the Unit, Eastern Partnership:
Tigran Karapetyan
Tel: +33(0)390215930


Senior Project Officer:
Victoria Galperina
Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 130)


Project Assistant:
Iryna Krutova

Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 131)

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Back First All-Ukrainian Student Forum «Discrimination in Ukraine: from apprehension to prevention» 4-5 November 2016, Kyiv

First All-Ukrainian Student Forum «Discrimination in Ukraine: from apprehension to prevention» 4-5 November 2016, Kyiv

Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening the Implementation of the European human rights standards in Ukraine” jointly by the Council of Europe, Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights  and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv organized a First All-Ukrainian Student Forum «Discrimination in Ukraine: from apprehension to prevention», which took place on 4-5 November 2016  in Kyiv, Ukraine.

More than 300 students both from major cities and small towns from the whole country took part in the event and received unique opportunity not only to observe the comprehensive panel discussions on current situation and challenges regarding discrimination in Ukraine,  international experience of tackling specific types of inequality in the world, actions and programmes conducting by state agencies and civil society organizations in Ukraine, but also to ask questions and receive meaningful answers from Valeria Lutkovska, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, Dimitrina Petrova, co-founder and Executive Director of the Equal Rights Trust, Iryna Suslova, member of the Ukrainian Parliament and many others.

In addition to general discussions students could take part in one of the workshops covering such practical issues as advocacy and defence in the discrimination cases, gender issues and combatting hate speech in media, and alternative forms of marital relations in Ukraine. Workshops, provided by leading experts, lawyers, journalists and civil activists both from Ukraine and abroad, have been tailored to meet requests and interests of students of different specialties, as future lawyers, journalists, philosophers, social workers, medical professionals took part in the Forum.

In parallel with preparation of the Forum essay competition has been conducted – with more than 200 essays on different aspects of understanding and combatting discrimination received, lots of authors present their thoughts during thematic discussions, and 7 students prepared the best essays were granted the opportunity to participate in the World Forum for Democracy which took place in Strasbourg, France, on 7-9 November 2016.

First All-Ukrainian Student Forum 4-5 Nov 2016
Kyiv 15 December 2016
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