Budget and timelines

The €1.400 million Project is implemented in 2015-2016 under Programmatic Co-operation Framework between the European Union and the Council of Europe for the countries of Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Joint Programme between the EU and the CoE
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Project Coordinator in Strasbourg, Head of the Unit, Eastern Partnership:
Tigran Karapetyan
Tel: +33(0)390215930


Senior Project Officer:
Victoria Galperina
Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 130)


Project Assistant:
Iryna Krutova

Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 131)

Latest news

Back Third Steering Committee Meeting of the Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening the Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine

Third Steering Committee Meeting of the Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Strengthening the Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine

Achievements and challenges of 2016, as well as plan of actions of the Joint EU/CoE project “Strengthening Implementation of the European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine” for the current 2017 year under the components:  support to the police reform; strengthening the Ombudsperson’s Office operational capacities; and implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights in the legal practice and activity of the legal professionals in Ukraine have been discussed with the key stakeholders at the 3d Project’s Steering Committee Meeting on 17 February 2017.

Project has equally concentrated its efforts both on supporting development/adaptation of legal framework to bring it closer to the European Human Rights standards so as on enhancement of operational capacities of the key state institutions involved into the human rights protection activity.

For more photos please see the album below:


SCM 17 February 2017
Kyiv, Ukraine 17 March 2017
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