Budget and timelines

The €1.400 million Project is implemented in 2015-2016 under Programmatic Co-operation Framework between the European Union and the Council of Europe for the countries of Eastern Partnership: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Joint Programme between the EU and the CoE
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Project Coordinator in Strasbourg, Head of the Unit, Eastern Partnership:
Tigran Karapetyan
Tel: +33(0)390215930


Senior Project Officer:
Victoria Galperina
Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 130)


Project Assistant:
Iryna Krutova

Tel: +38 044 3039914 (ext. 131)

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Back Training of trainers of the HELP programme in Ukraine 25-28 September 2017, Odesa

Training of trainers of the HELP programme in Ukraine 25-28 September 2017, Odesa

Training of trainers of the European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals of the Council of Europe (“HELP”) was conducted on 25-28 September 2017 in Odesa, Ukraine. The group of 26 lawyers, representatives of the National Academy of Interior and the National Prosecutors Academy of Ukraine received a 4-day training on the HELP methodology for education of legal professionals and discrimination as a content-rich part of this activity.

Methodological part of the ToT included several practical sessions on:

  • tools of the Moodle platform for creation of distance learning courses and for interactions with prospective students of the HELP courses;
  • specificities of adult learning and techniques of education of professionals;
  • elaboration by participants themselves of the mixed courses on Moodle platform on different aspects of discrimination.

Training contained additional component - thematic presentations on discrimination in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“ECHR”). Sessions were led by prominent European experts in the field  - Doina Ioana Straisteanu, human rights lawyer from Moldova, and Maxim Timofeev, associate professor at the European Humanitarian University, Vilnius. They provided presentations on recent judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR”) on discrimination and best practices of non-discrimination advocacy, including the case studies and moot court exercise.

Those participants, who have completed the whole 4-day training and diligently prepared their assignment, will receive certificates of HELP trainers. This will allow them to use HELP resources and platform for tutoring of existing courses and elaboration of their own courses to implement them within the National Bar Association, National Academy of the Interior and National Prosecutors Academy, or for other groups of legal professionals.

Training was organised within the framework of the Joint Programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe on “Strengthening Implementation of European Human Rights Standards in Ukraine: implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights” which is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe.


4-day training on HR Standards
10 October 2017
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