• Council of Europe (CoE) member and observer states, countries invited by the Committee of Ministers of the CoE to sign and ratify the MEDICRIME Convention as well as those countries at a very advanced stage as regards accesion to the MEDICRIME Convention
  • Legal, health, law-enforcement and customs authorities responsible for fighting against the counterfeiting of medical products and other similar crimes
  • The end beneficiaries: general population


  • Promoting the MEDICRIME Convention through online campaigns (@MedicrimeC) and events;
  • Improving and strengthening legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks. The goal is to align national legislations to the MEDICRIME Convention following the recommendations noted in the Gap Analysis report drafted in the framework of the NA-FAMED project;
  • Building and strengthening institutional and operational capacities for legal professionals and law-enforcement authorities. This includes national and regional co-ordination by enhancing the use of the HELP Course on the MEDICRIME Convention;
  • Improving and strengthening international co-operation in criminal matters by the setting-up of the Anchor24/7 Network of national focal points.
  • Facilitate co-ordination and exchange of good practices with European and international counterparts and Council of Europe sectors (notably Rule of Law/Law Enforcement) to cooperate, investigate, stop perpetrators, and break the counterfeit circle.


The “Countering falsified medical products-Global products” programme (CRIMFAMED) is a  follow-up project to the Needs Assessment- Falsified Medical products Project (NA-FAMED) successfully completed in July 2021.

This multiregional, multi-country project is designed to provide technical assistance and support the State Parties and other countries to fight against the counterfeiting of medical products and other similar crimes.


  • Raise awareness of the MEDICRIME Convention
  • Improve legal frameworks to counter the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes
  • Improve the stakeholder’s efficiency at national level through cooperation and capacity building
  • Creation and/or adaptation of a MEDICRIME training curricula for law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders
  • Increase the dialogue and national cooperation among public authorities and private sector through national platforms. To set up and develop a 24/7 network for international cooperation


  • Increase the number of signatures and ratifications of the MEDICRIME Convention
  • Strengthen the legal, regulatory and policy frameworks in line with the MEDICRIME Convention
  • Enhance legal professional’s capacities on the application of the MEDICRIME Convention in their daily work
  • Methodological guidance: how to establish a 24/7 network of international co-operation and a national platform