Albania Ms Diana SILA (Stillo) Head of International Treaties and Judicial Cooperation Section  Ministry of Justice
Armenia Mr Mkrtich SHAKARYAN Head, Inspection Department, The Scientific Centre of Drug and Medical Technology Expertise, Ministry of Health
Belarus Mr Halina PYSHNIK Consultant of Pharmaceutical Inspection Department of the Main Department of Control of Medical Activity and Circulation of Medicines, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus
Belgium Ms Anja EBRAERT Inspector at the Division Distribution of the FAMHP
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ms Verica TRBIC Expert Adviser, Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies, Sector for International Police Cooperation
Burkina Faso Mr Boureima SAWADOGO Magistrate, Bobo-Dioulasso Court of Appeal
Croatia Ms Rajka TRUBAN ŽULJ Deputy Head for Operations, Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
France Mr Christian TOURNIE Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l'environnement
Guinea   Embassy of Guinea in France
Hungary Dr Iván BUJDOS ÁKOS Department of Criminal Law Codification, Deputy Secretariat of State for Criminal Law Legislation, Ministry of Justice
Moldova Ms Lina GUDIMA Deputy General Director, Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of the Republic of Moldova
Morocco Mr Younes ESCAYD Head of unit for crimes governed by special legislation, Moroccan Public Prosecutor's Office
Niger Dr Barira DAN NOUHOU Director of Pharmacy and Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Public Health, Population and Social Affairs
Portugal Mr Alonso SALES Criminal Investigation Coordinator, Criminal Police (UNCC)
Russian Federation Mr Sergei GLAGOLEV Deputy Minister of Health 
Slovenia Ms Doroteja NOVAK-GOSARIC Deputy Director of Social Action and Assistance Social Action and Assistance Department, Ministry of Health
Spain Ms Frieda SAN JOSÉ ARANGO Advisor to the General Secretariat for Innovation and Quality of the Public Justice Service Ministry of Justice
Switzerland Ms Judith S. VONEY

Attorney at law, Head Penal Division, Swissmedic, Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products

Türkiye   Embassy of Türkiye in France
Ukraine Ms Maryna TARAN Head of Division for Prevention of Circulation of Substandard, Falsified and Unregistered Medicines







