On 12-13 February 2019, in the framework of her report on violence against migrant children, Ms Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir (Iceland, UEL), will carry out a fact-finding mission to Madrid and Melilla in Spain.
On 20 February 2019, Ms Daphné Dumery (Belgium, NR) will carry out a mission to Berlin in preparation of her report on the rights and obligations of NGOs assisting migrants.
On 29 January 2019, the General Rapporteur on Reception Conditions Petra De Sutter (Belgium, SOC) issued a statement welcoming the interim measure granted by the Court of Human Rights regarding the Dutch vessel SeaWatch 3 anchored outside Syracuse. In the statement, she called on the Italian Government to take necessary measures to provide medical care, food, water and basic supplies to those on board, and adequate legal assistance to unaccompanied minors.
On 23 January 2019, in Strasbourg, a conference “Towards alternatives to immigration detention of children in France” took place in the framework of the PACE Campaign to End Immigration Detention of Children and the “Wednesdays at the Council of Europe”. The conference was organised in cooperation with the City of Strasbourg with the participation of the Campaign’s General Rapporteur Mr Pierre-Alain Fridez (Switzerland, SOC), Ms Nawel Rafik-Elmrini, Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg, Ms Nathalie Lequeux, Legal Expert with the French Rights Defender and Mr Mathias Venet, responsible for detention missions with the Order of Malta.