On 08-11 October 2019, in Athens, Council of Europe´s drug policy cooperation group, the Pompidou Group, organised an international capacity building seminar jointly with the Office of the National Drug Coordinator of Greece in Athens. The aim of the seminar was to provide examples of practices of intercultural/transcultural methods and techniques in the field of addictions, of the available tools for screening risk and addictive behaviour and identify and collect common and experimental practices, including those that have failed, in responding to the needs of refugees, migrants and IDPS.
Interactive plenary sessions were held with high-profile speakers about people on the move and human rights, the historical perspective on migration, mental health and the realities of the European, Middle East and Northern Africa host countries. In addition, interactive workshops focused on physical health, in campus daily activities as prevention tools, on cross learning between services for homeless people with mental problems and addictions and on street work. Further, the participants addressed the situation of addictive behavior in vulnerable groups, such as unaccompanied children and young people and women.
The seminar brought together 75 participants including policy makers, experts and professionals working in drug prevention and treatment as well as professionals working with refugees and migrants, coming from 14 countries and other International Organisations covering Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa.