Gender mainstreaming
The Advisory Committee also pays particular attention to a gender-sensitive approach in its own working methods. A thematic rapporteur, the Gender Equality Rapporteur, has been appointed to ensure that the gender perspective is integrated into the work of the Advisory Committee. The position of the Gender Equality Rapporteur was introduced into the Rules of Procedure of the Advisory Committee in February 2020. Gender is also one of the elements taken into account when setting up the working groups attributed to the different country visits, with the aim of having a more effective, more sensitive and confidence-based dialogue with all stakeholders, including women and girls belonging to national minorities. This, together with the composition of the Advisory Committee with members of different academic backgrounds and expertise contributes to an understanding of the intersectionality of gender and to ensuring a gender-sensitive approach at all stages of the monitoring process.
Two gender analyses of the Advisory Committee’s opinions, covering the periods 2017-2020 and 2021-2024, are available on this website and illustrate the increasing attention the Advisory Committee is giving to gender equality in its work.
The Advisory Committee will continue examining the situation of women and girls belonging to national minorities, thereby contributing to the implementation of the third Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy (2024-2029).
Gender sensitive analysis in the Advisory Committee's jurisprudence 2017-2020
Gender sensitive analysis in the Advisory Committee's jurisprudence 2021–2024
Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Council of Europe
Agora Building
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