Selection of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights relevant for the protection of national minorities

The Council of Europe safeguards the protection of national minorities through various mechanisms. Besides the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, designed specifically for that purpose, the European Convention on Human Rights plays a significant role in this regard. Through its jurisprudence, the European Court of Human Rights has substantially advanced the legal protection of national minorities. This manifests, inter alia, in the mutual influence between the Court and the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention that is evidenced in several judgments of the Court and opinions of the Advisory Committee. The following selection provides an overview of the most influential cases before the Court in this field, including in respect of states which are not parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Right to Self-Identification

Prohibition of Inhuman and Degrading Treatment

Respect for Home

Right to Private Life

Freedom of expression

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Assembly and Association

Right to the Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions

Right to Education

Right to free elections

General prohibition of discrimination


* This case was referred to the Grand Chamber on 14 December 2023.