Pursuant to Resolution CM/Res(2019)49, NGOs and minority associations have a key role in the monitoring mechanism of the Framework Convention. The Advisory Committee may in particular seek information from civil society and non-governmental organisations.

How can NGOs submit shadow/alternative reports?

It is important for the monitoring work of the Advisory Committee to receive shadow/alternative reports either ahead of the country-visit or shortly after, as a follow-up to the country-visit.

A shadow/alternative report may either:

  • comment on the entire State report submitted by the authorities; or
  • comment on part of the State report only; or
  • cover aspects which have not been covered by the State report.

It is important to note that:

  • Contributions in English or French are preferable;
  • Only public shadow/alternative reports are cited in opinions of the Advisory Committee. Confidentiality is respected for other information that may be mentioned in opinions without the source being cited.


Which States are being monitored?

  • NGOs can submit information to the Advisory Committee at any time, and about any country.
  • The most appropriate moment remains however when a State report has been received and that a country-visit is being prepared. It is therefore important for NGOs to be able to identify what countries are being considered:

Stage1: These country-visit dates are not fixed yet. NGOs are invited to submit shadow/alternative reports at anytime.

           Armenia (State report received on 19 September 2024)

           Austria (State report received on 12 August 2024)

           Estonia (State report received on 5 June 2024)

           Malta (State report received on 3 June 2024)

           Portugal (State report received on 13 May 2024)

           United Kingdom (State report received on 7 May 2024)

           Italy (State report received on 14 March 2024)

           Slovak Republic (State report received on 11 January 2024)

           Germany (State report received on 18 December 2023)

           Slovenia (State report received on 25 July 2023)

           Croatia (State report received on 15 June 2023)

           Poland (State report received on 7 March 2023)

 Ukraine (State report received on 10 January 2022)

 Russian Federation (State report received on 13 April 2021)

Stage 2: These country visit dates are now fixed. NGOs are invited to preferably submit their reports at the latest two weeks before the country-visit, to allow their report to be taken into account by the ACFC delegation in the course of its country-visit.

           Hungary (State report received on 31 August 2023) - Country visit dates: 2-6 December 2024

           Spain ( State report received on 12 January 2024) - Country visit dates: 11-15 November 2024

          Cyprus (State report received on 1 February 2024) - Country visit dates: 4-8 November 2024

Stage 3: These country visits have already taken place (or exceptionally no visit took place). These opinions are now being prepared by the Advisory Committee. Shadow/alternative reports can still be submitted at the very latest until 16 August 2024, to complete the findings of the Advisory Committee.

  Serbia (State report received on 1 September 2022) - Country visit dates: 24-28 June 2024

  Czechia (State report received on 29 March 2023) - Country visit dates: 24-28 June 2024

  Finland (State report received on 27 March 2023) - Country visit dates: 15-19 April 2024



Status of other countries >>


Other forms of input by NGOs

State authorities are also encouraged to:

  • include NGOs in the drafting process of the state report, obtaining information on the implementation of the FCNM from them and discussing it;
  • ensure participation of NGOs in follow-up meetings once the opinions are made public.


Where to submit information?

By email: minorities.fcnm@coe.int

Or by post:

Council of Europe
Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
F–67075 Strasbourg Cedex


 Further questions

Contact the FCNM Secretariat: minorities.fcnm@coe.int


Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

Council of Europe
Agora Building
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