Bosnia and Hezegovina

Fifth round evaluation
on-site visit: 12 - 28 February 2024

  Status Date Public document
Evaluation report      

Follow-up round
on-site visit: 19 - 29 November 2014

  Status Date Public document
Evaluation report Adopted (48th Plenary) 17/09/2015 Summary
Annexes (English only)
Exit Follow-up Report Adopted (60th Plenary) 18/09/2020 Note by the Secretariat

Third Evaluation Round
on-site visit: 24 May - 10 June 2009

  Status Date Public document 
Evaluation report Adopted (31st Plenary meeting) 10 December 2009 Summary
Annexes (English only)
First Progress report Examined (34th Plenary Meeting)
Adopted (35th Plenary)
Report (English only)

Compliance Enhancing Procedures

  Status Date Public document
First Compliance report Adopted (35th Plenary) step (i) 11/04/2011 Report (English only)
Second Compliance report Adopted (36th Plenary)
 step (i)
28/09/2011 Report (English only)
Third Compliance report Adopted (37th Plenary)
 step (i)
13/12/2011 Report (English only)
Fourth Compliance report Adopted (39th Plenary)
 step (i)
04/07/2012 Report (English only)
Fifth Compliance report Adopted (40th Plenary)
 step (i)
06/12/2012 Report (English only)
Sixth Compliance report Adopted (41st Plenary) step (i) 10/04/2013 Report (English only)
Seventh Compliance report Adopted (42nd Plenary) step (i) 18/09/2013 Report (English only)
Eighth Compliance report Adopted (43rd Plenary) step (iii) 10/12/2013 Report (English only)
Ninth Compliance report Adopted (45th Plenary)
 step (iii)
12/09/2014 Report (English only)
Tenth Compliance report Adopted (47th Plenary) step (iv) 14/04/2015 Report (English only)
Eleventh Compliance report Adopted (48th Plenary) 18/09/2015 Report (English only)

Status of the Compliance Enhancing Procedures: CEPs procedures lifted at the 48th Plenary meeting (September 2015)

First Evaluation Round
on-site visit: 23-29 November 2003

  Status Date Public document
Evaluation report Adopted 17th Plenary 6/06/2005 Summary
Progress report Adopted 11/2006 Confidential