The Co-operation Programmes Division provides targeted support, mainly through bilateral and regional co-operation projects, to national authorities, independent national human rights institutions and civil society, in Council of Europe member States and in the Neighbourhood, with a view to strengthening the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and other related human rights instruments, as well as European standards on the independence and efficiency of justice.and on legal co-operation.

The Division notably provides support on the implementation of the ECHR and other relevant standards in practice, building the capacity of relevant domestic stakeholders in protecting human rights and pursuing justice reforms, in particular in the area of criminal justice.

It implements targeted activities and interventions that include e.g. supporting the sound development and implementation of national legislation, research and advice, expert recommendations, provision of training programmes (including mainstreaming relevant HELP courses), collection and dissemination of good European practices and the facilitation of partnerships among various stakeholders nationally and across borders, building on relevant intergovernmental work (such as Council of Europe Recommendations or guidelines).

The Division contributes to fulfilling the mandate of the Department for the implementation of Human Rights, Justice and legal co-operation standards, in close co-ordination with the Department’s other Divisions. It works closely with other relevant Council of Europe entities too (monitoring and advisory bodies, intergovernmental co-operation and technical co-operation). Co-operation programmes implemented by the Division notably contribute to the implementation of Council of Europe Programming documents by country/region, as well as relevant Committee of Ministers strategies and thematic action plans (for more information on all the Council of Europe cooperation activities, see the website of the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Programme Co-ordination).

Co-operation projects




Bosnia And Herzegovina

Central Asia



North Macedonia


Republic Of Moldova

South Eastern Europe


