The main partners and beneficiaries of the Project were the Public Defender’s Office of Georgia (PDO) within its mandate to bring a better level of human rights protection in Georgia and promote Human Rights awareness among the general public; the Constitutional Court of Georgia and Courts of common jurisdiction with respect of using amicus curiae mechanism while deliberation of court cases.

The main objectives were:

  • to improve the legal framework of  the work of Public Defender of Georgia;
  • to strengthen the capacity of the PDO of Georgia in submission of amicus curiae to the Constitutional Court and common courts;
  • to contribute to the strengthening of the PDO’s in the regions to deal with individual cases;
  • to strengthen the PDO’s analytical skills in dealing with issues such as the fight against intolerance, the protection of vulnerable persons, the protection of social rights and the fight against ill-treatment.

The following results were expected:

  • the law on the PDO is amended in in line with the relevant international standards and namely Paris Principles;
  • the number of amicus curiae to the Constitutional Court and common courts increases and are taken on board in the court rulings;
  • regional offices of the Public Defender are operational and are able to deal directly with individual cases;
  • lawyers and staff of the PDO are equipped to deal with individual cases and to prepare analytical reports on issues such as the fight against intolerance, the protection of social rights and the fight against ill-treatment and the protection of vulnerable groups including children, persons with disabilities, LGBT persons and victims of domestic violence;
  • the Human Rights Academy strengthens its capacity to deliver human rights awareness training for general public through integration of the ECHR component and HELP methodology and is able to ensure a long-term and ongoing training process.

Project information

  • Duration:  24 months (02 February 2015 - 31 January 2017)                                          
  • Place/ country: Georgia
  • Budget: 500 000 €
  • Funding: Human Rights Trust Fund

Project documentation

Useful links

Experts opinions

  • Joint opinion on the criminal procedure code of Georgia ENG - GEO

Needs assessments reports


  • Human Rights Training Guidebook ENG - GEO
Project news