December 2022 - December 2026

About the project

As part of the European Commission’s Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) Programme, iLEGEND III aims at mobilising commitment to sustainable development in Europe and beyond, by promoting Global Education (GE) as an interdisciplinary approach, that helps learners to develop individual and collective responses to social, ecological, political, economic and ethical issues of common concern.

The project contributes to:  

  • Increased opportunities for exchange spaces among young people - and between state and non-state actors - from Europe and other partner countries.
  • Enhanced opportunities for dialogue and exchange of good practices among strategic state and nonstate actors- to better integrate global education related competences into formal and non-formal education sectors.
  • Strengthened capacities of education practitioners in the formal and non-formal sectors, media professionals and state and non-state actors, and increased access to resources on Global Education
  • Strengthened capacities of multiplier entities (GE national coordinators and other organisations/institutions/consortiums) in relaying the annual GEW campaign at local and international level and raise awareness on topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals and everyone’s co-responsibility to achieve them.

The project supports the priorities of the European Union as laid out in the 2017 European Consensus for Development and the current Global Europe: Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI-Global Europe) 20222O278.

The project also highlights the extent to which intercultural and global citizenship education related competences are mainstreamed in the CoE Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.

iLEGEND III: Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue.

Joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe: co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe.


building on the previous two cycles

Based on the results of the consultation phase engaged with the Global Education Network and on the evaluation of the first and second cycle, iLegend III will continue creating links between the formal and non-formal sectors of education to better align them to the principles of Global Education. Particular attention will be given to:

- The improvement of the competences of education practitioners: from policy development to monitoring, evaluation and learning.

- The capacity building dimension through a tutored online training programme, that complements the existing residential training programme and the MOOC.

- The advocacy dimension through a continued support to the national coordinators of the Global Education Network (GEN), and through the enlargement of the GEN to a dual national representation (institutional/practitioner).

- The inclusion through youth participation and gender maintreaming. 

The new project has an interregional cooperation dimension and aims to bring together a wide range of stakeholders from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, strengthening the bonds between countries and peoples.



iLEGEND is currently the main project of the North-South Centre's Global Education Programme



 2 000 000 Euros 


 The European Commission's Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR), supports projects that engage the EU public in worldwide issues of social, economic and environmental development. The DEAR programme works with civil society organisations and local authorities to promote universal values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law and enables the European public to make positive contributions to global development.

Since the 1970s, the EU has supported educators and civil society actors in introducing development themes in curricula and public awareness. Through its programme for Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) and other EU-funded Programmes (e.g. Erasmus, Horizon Europe and cohesion funds), the EU continues to support campaigns, advocacy actions and more focused Global Citizenship Education projects like iLEGEND.


listen to global education experts

During the Pan European Congress on Global Education 2022, five interviews were conducted with iLEGEND II beneficiaries working for the recognition of Global Education at international, european, regional, national, and local levels. While their action strategies reach different audiences, they all converge on one point: Global Education, when implemented at different scales, enables the development of education systems allowing everyone to address global challenges.

from ilegend to ilegend ii

iLegend II (2019-2022) was conceived to foster a better understanding of global issues and their economic, social, political, environmental and cultural interconnectedness among policy-makers, educators and youth workers and builds on the successes of iLegend, a three-year project that closed in 2019. 

The first cycle of iLegend had three specific courses of action: 

Advocacy: towards the reinforcement of competences of educators as key agents for the effective implementation of SDG4. 

Capacity building: the transfer of knowledge through educators and peers about global development education competences and tools to support its dissemination.

Awareness rising: contributing to the reflection and understanding of each individual’s role within a globally interconnected society, with particular attention to young people. 

Based on the results of the consultation phase engaged with the Global Education Network and on the evaluation of the first cycle, iLegend II aimed to: 

  • Engage more policy makers in all actions of the project. 
  • Reinforce competencies of educators.
  • Implement sub-granted awareness-raising actions/projects.
  • Reinforce the Global Education Network

The project, which has a budget of € 1.3 Million (75% sourced from the EU and 25% from the Council of the Europe), consisted of two main components:

  • Institutional: providing spaces for dialogue among multiple stakeholders (representatives from governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities and civil society) with the aim to strengthen policy development and implementation in favour of global development education in targeted countries. This pillar consists of a series of regional seminars, microgrants for national projects and a final congress.
  • Capacity Building: the project invests in developing capacities not only of educators (formal and non-formal) and “youth multipliers”, but also of government officials from relevant ministries (Education, Youth, Foreign-Affairs). This pillar consists of a series of residential and online courses, together with the dissemination of pedagogical resources, i.e. the revised version of the Global Education Guidelines (GEG): a handbook for educators and policy makers to understand and implement GE concepts and methodologies.