Back Call for communication service providers in the field of Global Education!

Call for communication service providers in the field of Global Education!

The Council of Europe and the European Union are currently implementing the iLEGEND III project, Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue, until December 2026.

In this context, a call for tender for the provision of communication services is open to support the annual Global Education Week campaign.

The Global Education Week takes place around the world every third week of November. It has been implemented for over twenty years by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and the Global Education Network (GEN). It is a call to rethink our world together, using Global Education as a tool for solidarity and change, for a more sustainable, peaceful and equitable world.

The selected providers will work in collaboration with the GEN and under the coordination of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe's secretariat. 

Deliverables include:

  • analysis of the current communication methodology and proposals for its improvement,
  • facilitation of contributions from the GEN,
  • participation in GEN meetings, with specific input on campaign development,
  • production of high-quality audio-visual material,
  • development the communication plan for social networks,
  • organisation the online public information session on the Week, 
  • follow up on the information collected in the activity planning document for a regular update on the GEW's webpage and social media. 
  • dissemination of the Week to each target group (CSOs, institutions, schools, ministries...),
  • report of the event...

(non exhaustive list)

The provider(s) will work remotely and may participate in some face-to-face events with the GEN. 

The selection system will be based on pooling (see conditions). However, the North-South Centre Secretariat will privilege applications from service providers who can commit themselves on all deliverables until the end of the iLEGEND III project.

Individuals, consortia, and agencies are invited to apply. 

For more information on the services, eligibility criteria, conditions and application procedure, please consult the Terms of Reference and the Act of Engagement.


 Any questions should be sent maximum five days before the deadline to

 Answers to the questions will be gradually included in this document


 Deadline for applications:  30 April 2023 - 23:59PM Lisbon Time 



Lisbon 05/04/2023
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