Back The University on Youth and Development will take place in Spain next week.

The University on Youth and Development will take place in Spain next week.

The University on Youth and Development (UYD) will resume this September, gathering in Mollina (Spain) more than 230 youth workers, youth leaders, decision makers, experts from the field and institutional representatives.

Since the year 2000, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe together with the Network on Youth and Global Citizenship has been organising the international youth events “University on Youth and Development”, in which a number of youth-led and youth serving organisations can run their own activities (trainings, workshops, board meeting etc..) within a participatory and flexible space that encourages side meetings, exchanges of good practices and the development of joint youth advocacy actions.

In a context of the shrinking of the space and role of civil society, worsened by the effects of the Covid-pandemic, the 21st edition of the UYD represents an opportunity to finally reconnect, debate, build capacities and cooperate on youth policy issues. 

Throughout the course of one week, the Council of Europe quality labelled Youth Centre “CEULAJ” will host the main players of the youth sector ranging from youth-led grassroot initiatives to international youth networks and intergovernmental organisations coming from about 60 countries. Therefore, the UYD 2022 will count on ten activities led by the partners :

European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed)

UNDP Regional Hub for the Arab States

Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)

International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International (IFM-SEI)

SIRIUS Policy Network on Migrant Education

Young European Federalists

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Youth Peace Ambassadors Network

European Youth Card Association (EYCA)

The Global Education Network will also attend for a course Training Course on Global Education and Advocacy. 

Moreover, plenary sessions will explore the annual theme of “Building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions”, tackling the most pressing issues of the global youth movement, within a dynamic context that fosters intercultural dialogue and encourages networking and peer-to-peer education.

Conceived as a space that encourages dialogue between decision makers and young people, this year's UYD will count with the high-level representation of Moroccan, Portuguese and Maltese authoritiess as well as the participation of experts from UNESCO, OECD, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, and the Council of Europe, amongst others. The Council of Europe campaign ”Democracy here, democracy now” will also be presented to reinforce the centrality of youth and their role in the path towards pluralistic democracy and sustainable development.

 Read the presentation 

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 Press release : 

French, Spanish, English

headline Lisbon 06/09/2022
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