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Back Call for consultancy services on violence against women in the Southern Mediterranean.

Credit photo : Andisheh on unsplash

Credit photo : Andisheh on unsplash

For its project on “Euro-Mediterranean cooperation for the protection of women and girls against violence” implemented in the framework of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme "Regional Support to Reinforce Human rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean" (South Programme IV), the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is looking for consultants on violence against women in the Southern Mediterranean.

Within its Women Empowerment programme, the North-South Centre is leading a project aiming at strengthening the capacities of civil society organisations in promoting the cooperation to reinforce the protection mechanisms for victims/survivors of violence against women and domestic violence in the Southern Mediterranean region.
To support the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the projects’ activities, this call for tenders intends to set up a pool of experts on protection of victims and multi-sectorial coordination in the region. In the long-term, the project seeks to increase the understanding and competences of key national sectors in providing adequate support and protection for victims/survivors of gender-based violence in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia by relying on the expertise and experience of women-led grassroots organisations of the region and key Council of Europe standards, namely, the Istanbul Convention.

The consultants of this pool should demonstrate a minimum of five years of experience in combating violence against women in the Southern Mediterranean (in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine* and Tunisia or at regional level for the Southern Mediterranean region). The expertise should be demonstrated from experience gained in drafting knowledge-based products, from field work and/or from experience in developing or applying international norms, methodologies, protocols, guidelines, toolkits, or from carrying out trainings.

Experience at international level will be considered as an added value.

 The applicant can be a natural person, a legal person or consortia of legal and/or natural persons (within an organization for example).

 Interested candidates are invited to consult the call for tender and submit the completed act of engagement accompanied with all documents to be provided listed in the call for tenders by email at nswomennetwork@coe.int before the 08 APRIL 2021 (23:59 GMT Time). 

Call for tender

Act of Engagement template

* This designation shall not be construed as recognition of a State of Palestine and is without prejudice to the individual positions of Council of Europe and European Union member States on this issue.


Lisbon 22/03/2021
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The Women Empowerment (WE) programme leads awareness raising, capacity building and networking activities to build effective regional cooperation between the relevant stakeholders to advance gender equality and women’s rights in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

The WE Programme aims at empowering women by promoting a common understanding and unanimous condemnation of all forms of discrimination against women and girls within two projects:

WE against gender-based violence

In the framework of the South Programme IV “Regional Support to Reinforce Human Rights, Rule of Law and Democracy in the Southern Mediterranean”, Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation for the Protection of Women and Girls against Violence project aims to improve protection mechanisms of women and girls victims/survivors of gender-based violence in the Southern Mediterranean region.


 Visit the webpage

WE for diversity and equality

WE for diversity and equality project is addressing the intersectional forms of discrimination against women and girls to promote the cultural and identity diversity of women.

Visit the campaign webpage

Women's voices at the heart of our awareness actions


The North-South Centre raises awareness on obstacles and barriers, whether dictated by social norms or legal frameworks, which stand between survivors of sexual violence and access to justice. To promote a non-stereotyped view and to encourage the public opinion to support survivors of violence the North-South Centre created « Listen to us ». The video Listen to Us is the result of collaboration between the North-South Centre and youth artists from Algeria and Jordan. Houss Ine, member of the project SKIMI Radio in Algeria and creator the soundtrack, and the filmmaker Maysoon, creator of the Falak project in Jordan, were responsible for the creative direction of the video inspired by real stories and testimonies of survivors of sexual violence. The narrative was conceived with the support of young activists from Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine* and Portugal. 

 "Listen to us"






Intersectionality transforms our realities