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Call for participants: 5th training course on Structured Participation in Democratic Processes

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe has opened a call for participants for the 5th training course on Structured Participation in Democratic Processes, which will take place in in the framework of the 6th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) in Tunis, Tunisia, from the 7 to the 12 May 2018.

The training course is part of the North-South’s Centre Euro-Mediterranean Youth Cooperation project and seeks to reinforce the competences of targeted youth organisations – through their representatives - in the field of democratic citizenship and participation in public life.

In this new edition, the course will be divided in two modules:

Capacity building: a series of training sessions based on the non-formal education approach and peer-to-peer education. Case studies and thematic group discussion that will stimulate in-depth participatory reflections as well as group working and experiential learning activities to strengthen competencies in the field of democratic citizenship and participation.

Seminar: a structured dialogue with other quadrilogue representatives (from governments, parliaments and local and regional authorities) responsible for youth policy/cooperation in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean countries to enhance Euro-Mediterranean cooperation mechanisms involving a wider range of youth stakeholders.

The course will gather 15 representatives of youth organisations/platforms.

Applications for the course are open until 7 April 2018 through the submission of the online application form.

For more information, please read carefully the call for participants.

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The Youth Cooperation Programme aims at increasing youth participation and international cooperation in the youth sector to build more peaceful societies and more inclusive decision-making processes.



The activities promoted fall under three complementary dimensions: youth empowerment, networking and confidence building.

The youth empowerment schemes target youth workers and youth-multipliers improving their capacity to identify and address challenges related to human rights, global citizenship, democratic participation, peace, development and intercultural dialogue.

The networking activities provide spaces and opportunities for youth-led organisations and youth-related institutions to meet, debate, share good practices and cooperate, fostering partnership and joint actions to advance the global youth agenda.

The confidence building initiatives facilitate a structured dialogue between youth leaders and institutional representatives, creating a common ground on youth policies based on an increased awareness about each other's roles, challenges and priorities.

The Council of Europe human-rights approach is at the center of all initiatives promoted, while the non-formal education methodology is greatly used, following a peer-to-peer and participants-centred approach.

The projects and the activities are developed in close cooperation with various youth stakeholders (international organisations, youth networks, youth-serving institutions, national youth institutes, national youth councils… ) with the objective of enhancing multilevel governance structures based on more coordinated and inclusive processes.
In this sense, the North South Centre acts as facilitator providing a common framework of cooperation and interaction, privileging the interregional dimension.


traineeship programme
north south centre





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Youth cooperation