Why an Observatory on History Teaching in Europe?

Thursday 2 December 2021, 15.00-16.45, Palais de l'Europe, room 8

This panel discussion brings together representatives of relevant authorities of the Council of Europe member States to discuss approaches and practices in history education. It aims at presenting the Council of Europe’s work on history education, showcasing the Observatory’s added value and encouraging other member States to join the Partial Agreement. The session will also enable the Observatory representatives to clarify its scope and functioning, answer the questions and address the concerns of any potential members. It will also offer an opportunity to demonstrate the scientific relevance of the Observatory by presenting the methodology of its regular reports on the state of history teaching and thematic reports on specific issues.


Mr Matjaž GRUDEN, Director of Democratic Participation, Council of Europe


Mr Vasileios GOUNARIS, Professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Vice-Chair of the Governing Board of the Observatory

Mr Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Lecturer at Maynooth University, Ireland, Vice-Chair of the OHTE Scientific Advisory Council

Mr Alexander CHUBARYAN, Research Director of the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the OHTE Scientific Advisory Council

Ms Ines FIALHO BRANDÃO, Museum specialist, Member of the OHTE Scientific Advisory Council

Ms Luisa DE BIVAR BLACK, Education consultant, Member of the Council of Europe Experts Working Group on History Education

Ms Claude VIVIER LE GOT, President of the Federation for EDucation in Europe (FEDE)

Mr Florian BIEBER, Director, Centre for Southeast European Studies at the University of Graz, Austria


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