Plenary Session 3
Pandemics throughout history: what lessons do these crises teach us today?
Friday 3 December 2021, 9.00-10.30, Palais de l'Europe, room 8
In the Covid-19 context, many history educators are reflecting on how to discuss the coronavirus pandemic with their students. How will this moment be remembered in history? What impact on the societies? Whose stories and perspectives should be shared? What lessons can be learnt from past public health crises and how should those lessons be applied in the education field?
Mr Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Lecturer at Maynooth University, Ireland, Vice-Chair of the OHTE Scientific Advisory Council
Mr Luigi CAJANI, Honorary Professor at University La Sapienza, Italy
Ms Ida MILNE, Lecturer in European History at Carlow College, Co. Carlow, Ireland
Ms Hilary COOPER, Emeritus Professor at University of Cumbria, United Kingdom