Taking advantage of Council of Europe’s strategic positioning in Strasbourg, the annual conference involves local stakeholders, including schools, institutes and museums. They organise side events in line with the main topic, programme and objectives of the conference. 

Wednesday, 1 December 2021


Why should history be taught?

Conference in the framework of the debate series “Les mercredi du Conseil de l’Europe”
City Hall of Strasbourg (9 rue Brûlée)

How can we promote history teaching that contributes to educating all young Europeans for democratic citizenship? Can history teaching foster the emergence of a common sense of belonging in Europe? This debate will attempt to answer these questions, with the participation of:

Mr Kai LITTMANN, moderator, journalist

Mr Alain LAMASSOURE, Chair of the Governing Board of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe

Mr Emmanuel DROIT, Professor of contemporary History, Sciences Po Strasbourg

Ms Bridget MARTIN, History teacher, International School of Paris, member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe

Logo of the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe