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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : Party See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

The Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Colombia has a National Cyber Security and Cyber Defense strategy whose main objectives are: (i) implement the appropriate institutions, (ii) promoting specialized training programs for civil servants; (iii) strengthening legislation and international cooperation. The institutions that are currently responsible for protecting citizens from cybercrime and cyber threats are:

  • The Emergency Security Response Team of Colombia (Colcert) in charge of the coordination of cyber security and cyber defense nationwide;
  • The Joint Cyber Command of the Armed Forces responsible for safeguarding national interests in cyberspace; and
  • The Police Cyber Center in charge of prevention and research. It provides support of the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime. For such purpose, it has a command of Virtual Immediate Response Team (CAI Virtual) that receives complaints from citizens.

The Colombian Government has actively participated in the framework of the Inter-American Strategy to Combat Cybersecurity Threats of the Organization of American States (OAS). As part of the awareness activities on cybersecurity, the Colombian government and the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) of the OAS conducted a mock cyber-attack in September of 2012, which aimed to strengthen the capacity of Colombia in the prevention, detection and mitigation of large-scale cyber-attack.

Specialised institutions

There are four agencies responsible for countering cybercrime and promoting cybersecurity nationwide. (i) The Intersectoral Commission responsible for setting the strategic vision and the management of information; (ii) the Emergency Security Response Team of Colombia (Colcert) in charge of the coordination of cyber security and cyber defense nationwide; (iii) the Joint Cyber Command of the Armed Forces responsible for safeguarding national interests in cyberspace; and (iv) the Police Cyber Center in charge of facilitating support for the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime.

The Police Cyber Center is a subordinated office of the Direction of Criminal Investigations and Interpol responsible for developing strategies, programs, projects and other activities related to specialized attention of cybercrime and cybersecurity. Its activities include identifying and deterring child pornography and it also has working groups on information crime and data, a research group on terrorism and a computer forensics laboratory that provides information on threats to computer security.

The Emergency Security Response Team of Colombia (Colcert) is responsible for the coordination of Cybersecurity and National Cyber Defense, which is framed within the activities of the Management Security and Defense Process of the National Ministry of Defense. Its main purpose is to coordinate the necessary measures for the protection of the national critical infrastructure of Colombia against cyber emergencies that threaten or compromise national security and defense actions. Its website facilitates computer security alerts, contains recommendations to submit complaints on cybercrime, as well as a section for reporting incidents on computer systems and Internet.

Jurisprudence/case law

The Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia has issued judgements and case law related to child pornography and interception of private communications. The national judgements and case law might be consulted in the website of the Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia in: 

Sources and links

Colombia’s National Cyber Security and Cyber Defense Policy

Judicial Branch Republic of Colombia

Attorney General's Office

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

National Police of Colombia

Police Cyber Center

Emergency Security Response Team of Colombia (Colcert)

Supreme Court of Justice

Tools on Cybercrime & Electronic Evidence Empowering You!

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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