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    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Belarusian Security Council adopted via resolution on 18 March 2019 the new Information Security Concept of Belarus, act that does not have information security strategy nor policy status. The document is developed on the concepts of “information sovereignty” based on the principle of “information neutrality” – sovereignty through neutrality formula. These national interest principles however do not appear translated into quantifiable, practical goals. Beyond the introduction of the core concepts, the ISC also aims at: preventing information risks, challenges and threats; ensuring the rights of citizens to privacy and other secrets protected by law; introducing terminology and measures relating to cybersecurity; securing the interest of the state in consistently reducing the number of state bodies and organizations with the authority to classify information as well as the total amount of state secrets; introducing the concept of public-private partnership.

Whilst ISC provisions have declarative value, notably, the government intends to create an action plan to implement the document.


(Source 1: Resolution of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus of March 18, 2019 No. 1)

(Source 2: The information security concept of Belarus Belarus Security Blog)

(Source 3: The concept of Belarus information security and its long-term consequences,Yuri Tsarik, Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies (Minsk, Belarus) )

Specialised institutions

High Tech Crime Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs

High Tech Crime and Intellectual Property Department, Investigative Committee

Department for Security in the Sphere of Information Technology, State Security Committee


Since 2002, there is a High-Tech Crime Department within the Ministry of Interior of Belarus (Department “K”) whose competency is to detect and deal with crimes against information security, embezzlement by means of computers, including that conducted by means of stolen and forged bank cards or their details, and to counter the distribution and advertising of child pornography on the Internet. Besides preliminary investigations, the Department ”K” also assists other units across the country in matters of cybercrime and electronic evidence. There are currently 25 officers at the headquarters of Department “K”.


In five regional centres of Belarus, territorial units have been established to counter hi-tech crime. The average staffing of units is 7 persons.


Since 2012, there is also a specialised unit within the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, that is, High Tech Crime and Intellectual Property Department; its function is to initiate criminal proceedings and conduct full investigations of detected criminal activities. It now employs about 30 officers dedicated to cybercrime/high-tech investigations, out of which 10 are located at headquarters.


The roles between police officers and officers of the Investigative Committee are divided as follows: officers of Department “K” of the Ministry of Interior collect information on circumstances that are evidence of cybercrime, register illegal activities and, if there is sufficient data for opening a criminal case, hand over the material collected to the Investigative Committee. Investigators of the Committee make a decision on opening a criminal case and proceed with the investigation. Throughout the investigation, Department “K” and the Investigative Committee cooperate with each other. When the investigation is complete, the criminal case is transmitted to the supervising prosecution office for further hearings in court.


When a more thorough examination of evidence or electronic media is required, an examination by a computer or other specialised expert can be organized. Such expert examinations fall within the competence of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus – independent state body of the Republic of Belarus. The structure of the Central Office of the State Committee includes the General Directorate of the Technical Examinations and also territorial directorates of the State Committee within the territory of the Republic of Belarus which are authorized to carry out Computer Examinations and Examinations of Radioelectronic Devices.

Jurisprudence/case law

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