Participatory Democracy aims to promote and assist the implementation of standards and mechanisms to engage citizens in political decision-making at all levels in Council of Europe member States.

Working together with public authorities on different governance levels and representatives of civil society of all sectors, the Council of Europe encourages and supports key stakeholders to initiate processes that allow citizens to make their voices heard and to shape political decisions, additionally to the participation in elections.

 Read more about Participatory Democracy, its underlying values, models and trends.


BePART Forum
Discover all BePart Initiatives! 

The BePART is a platform for peer-to-peer exchange and learning on different participatory formats and tools on civil participation across the Council of Europe Member States.




A tool for development, analysis and forecasting of options in the decision-making process


A tool for teaching the fundamentals of public participation in a game format

Mapping deliberative democracy

in Council of Europe States