We want to help ensure that the decision-making process is more open to civil participation and the decisions, taken by the municipalities, consider the interests and the needs of all the parties, including seldom-heard. Effective public consultations is a cornerstone for inclusive participatory process.

In partnership with The Consultation Institute we offer public officials, experts, active citizens, NGOs and civil activists to undergo online courses on key elements for effective public consultations. The courses are interactive, and theoretical knowledge is interconnected with practical cases provided.

The following courses on effective public consultations are provided in English:

  • The Consultation Charter: A foundation course in consultation
  • Stakeholder Mapping for Public Consultation
  • Focus Groups
  • Surveys and Questionnaires
  • Data Analysis and Report Writing
  • Collecting data, information and sampling
  • Consultation and Public Events

For more information about courses and description: https://www.consultationinstitute.org/e-learning/

To register contact:

