European Modules for trainer training - Respect - Responsible attitudes and behaviour in the virtual social space
Respect - Responsible attitudes and behaviour in the virtual social space (RESP)
The media environment has changed substantially over the past decades and the ability to use, communicate and interact in a responsible and critical yet beneficial way in this new social space is part and parcel of the competences needed to maintain and further develop our democratic societies. It permeates our lives in a much more intensive way than previously imagined. It plays a central role in most aspects of our lives: from identity building and personal development, communication, construction of reality and negotiation of meaning, information retrieval, social interaction and participation to education and learning, to work and entertainment. This training course will focus on the role education/ educators – formal and non-formal – can play to develop the kind of responsible attitudes and behaviour in this new social space, based on the values of human rights, which are essential for a respectful way of living together in democracy and diversity. As such it reflects one of the purposes of education: personal development/ development of the personality, and the attitudes and value-based behaviour which go with it. The course will offer the opportunity to learn together as well as to plan and carry out collaborative and transversal educational projects between autumn 2013 and summer 2014 – in a blended learning environment - which will focus on the development of respectful and responsible attitudes and behaviour in the extended social space provided by technological means such as the internet, mobile telephony, social networks and the like.Target group
This training course will gather educators from the formal and non-formal education sector. In particular this concerns educators from pre-service or in-service training context for formal education, educators and activist from the youth sector and educators working in adult education.
- A Module - Strasbourg, France - 12 to 15 November 2013
- Programme
- B Module - 8 to 10 October 2014 in Belgium
- Programme
- Billboard of tweets during this module
Training resources from this training course for trainers
The Pestalozzi Programme was the Council of Europe's programme for the professional development of teachers until the end of 2017.