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Confronting hate speech in Montenegro: insights from the first workshop in Podgorica and the group discussions with civil society organisations and public officials

During an activity taking place on 19 - 20 October in Podgorica, Montenegro stakeholders came together to address the critical issue of hate speech and its impact at the societal level. This collaborative initiative, organised by the European Union and the Council of Europe, local civil society organisation Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) and the Ombudsman Office, kick start the overall hate speech mapping process for Montenegro, which will last until early 2024.

With a combination of focus groups, workshops and analytical research, the mapping exercise aims to shed light on the root causes, manifestations, and impacts of hate speech in Montenegro, in line with the definition provided in the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers Recommendation on Combating Hate Speech from 2022. The event provided a platform for open dialogue and knowledge sharing among participants from civil society, local non-governmental organisations, and public institutions. Their collective expertise and experiences offered a comprehensive perspective on the complex issue of hate speech in Montenegro.

Hate speech is more than mere words; it is a societal phenomenon with far-reaching consequences. It poses challenges to social cohesion, interethnic relations, and the well-being of individuals. To address this issue effectively, the workshop began with an in-depth discussion of the international definition and characteristics of hate speech, further to the CM Recommendation providing a specific focus on ECRI General Recommendation No. 15 on hate speech. Such presentations served as a basis for further exploration. The workshop delved into various aspects of hate speech in Montenegro. During the group debate, several real cases of hate speech were raised by participants and discussed together with the experts. This interactive approach allowed for a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and the complexities of addressing hate speech in Montenegro.

The insights gained from these interactions and future workshops and research, including the examination of incidents, will ultimately lead to a thorough analysis of the phenomenon and providing with a national roadmap, that will serve as a guide for shaping future strategies and policies for combating hate speech in Montenegro.

The hate speech mapping initiative is supported within the framework of the action “Combating hatred and intolerance in Montenegro”, part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”, implemented by the Anti-discrimination Department of the Council of Europe.



Podgorica, Montenegro 19 - 20 October 2023
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