Back Online course on Protection and Safety of Journalists available in Western Balkans languages

Online course on Protection and Safety of Journalists available in Western Balkans languages

New online course on Protection and Safety of Journalists is now available in Albanian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Montenegrin and Serbian.

The course was developed by the Council of Europe Information Society Department, in cooperation with HELP Programme (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) within the framework of the action “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX 2)” implemented under the European Union and Council of Europe Joint Programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II (2019-2022)”.

Representatives of the Council of Europe Platform for the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists and of the Office of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as a senior Lawyer from the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights also contributed to the course development.

Background and aim

Freedom of expression and free flow of information are cornerstones of public debate and democracy.

Yet, freedom of expression and the safety of journalists are facing major challenges in Europe today. In many countries, journalists and other media actors are facing threats such as censorship, political and economic pressure, intimidation, job insecurity, abusive use of defamation laws as well as physical attacks. These offences are often committed in an intolerable context of impunity, which fuels recidivism and has a chilling effect on media freedom.

On the basis of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights’ case law, member States have both negative and positive obligations to protect journalists. Not only must they refrain from intimidating political declarations or judicial practices against media actors, they also have the duty to actively grant them full protection of the law and the judiciary in order to create an enabling environment for their journalistic activities.

This free HELP online course aims at assisting legal professionals, but also journalists and law-enforcement officials, in identifying and tackling the threats towards journalists and other media actors. Please read the course brief here.

Course structure

The overall length of the course is approximately 10 hours and is composed of five substantive modules.

  • Module 1: Key standards and principles. Introduction to the topic. Freedom of expressions. Journalists and other media actors.


  • Module 2: Threats against journalism. Threats against journalists. Effects of the threats. Response to the threats.
  • Module 3: Legal frameworks and mechanisms and tools. The United Nations, Council of Europe, European Union and OSCE legal frameworks. Mechanisms and tools for protection of journalists, including the Council of Europe Platform for protection of journalism and safety of journalists.
  • Module 4: Physical and psychological integrity. Positive and negative obligations of the State; substantive and procedural dimension of States’ obligation. Impunity for crimes against journalists and effects of impunity.


  • Module 5: Journalism in action. Newsgathering: access to places and events, access to public information, protection of sources and whistleblowers etc. Publication: substantive and procedural legal limitations. Journalism on trial. Law enforcement and journalists.

At the end of each module there is a quiz and a summary of the module. Upon finalisation, provided the user has successfully passed the course an electronic statement of accomplishment is provided.

Tutored and Self-learning courses

JUFREX-2 project partners will be able to implement tutored courses on Protection and Safety of Journalists containing information on international standards but also on the Western Balkans region’s domestic legislative and institutional frameworks and practices (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia). These courses will be provided/offered by national training institutions for legal professionals (Judicial Academies, Bar Associations) and Universities in 2021/2022 and used as a tool to supplement traditional educational materials used in legal education, also beyond the project’s life time.

Aside from the tutored courses, the self-learning courses are now available at the HELP platform and in the following languages:






We invite you to check our course on Protection and Safety of Journalists.
Enjoy learning!


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.

Western Balkans 12 April 2021
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What is the goal?

  • To promote freedom of expression and freedom of the media and to improve the application of European standards in this domain;
  • To strengthen skills and knowledge of the actors who are responsible to apply such standards as part of their daily work (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police officers, representatives of media regulatory authorities, journalists, students and other media actors). 

Who benefits from the Action?

  • Local training institutions for legal professionals (Academy of Judges and Prosecutors and Bar Association);
  • Media Regulatory Authority and Ministry of Culture;
  • Universities/Faculties of Law and Political Science;
  • Association of Professional Journalists and Media Trade Union;
  • Judges, prosecutors, police officers, lawyers;
  • Students;
  • Civil society organisations;
  • Citizens of Montenegro, who will be able to receive quality information through media content

How will the Action work?

  • The Action builds upon a previous EU/CoE Regional Joint Programme (JUFREX);
  • The capacity building activities for the various professional categories adopt a dynamic methodology for adult learning and peer-to-peer model;
  • The action uses an inclusive approach in order to generate dialog between the different actors and relevant stakeholders;
  • The strong interconnection between regional and Beneficiary-specific Actions ensure strengthened co-operation, exchange of good practices and lessons learnt.

What do we expect to achieve?

  • Members of the judiciary (Training centre in judiciary and state prosecutor’s office), legal professionals (Bar Association of Montenegro) and police officers (Police Academy of Montenegro) improve application of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Court case-law on Freedom of Expression;
  • Media Regulatory authority's professional capacities are further strengthened (Agency for electronic media, Association of professional journalists and Media Trade Union);
  • Media actors and relevant stakeholders, including Universities contribute to an enabling environment for freedom of expression and freedom of the media. 

How much will it cost?

  • The total budget of the Action is 500,000.00 EUR
  • The budget allocated to the overall Horizontal Facility programme amounts to ca. 41 Million EUR (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe).

How to get more information?

  • Directorate General I: Human Rights and Rule of Law:
  • Martina Silvestri, Programme Manager,, +333 90 216 339
  • Marija Simic, Horizontal Facility Communication Officer,, +381 63 601 337
  • Boris Ristovic, Senior Project Officer, ,  +382 69 317 791