Back Call for international consultancy services in the field of drug and addiction policy

Call for international consultancy services in the field of drug and addiction policy

The Pompidou Group has launched a call for the provision of international consultancy services. The aim of the tender is to create a pool of international consultants to provide consultancy requested by the Pompidou Group on an as-needed basis in the field of drug and addiction policy, including prevention, treatment, and harm reduction; fight against illicit drug and precursor trafficking, and supporting communication and IT services in all Pompidou Group Member States.

The Call includes 11 Lots:

Lot 1: Design and implementation of national drug and addiction policy strategies

Lot 2: Data collection and evaluation of drug and addiction policy-related initiatives

Lot 3: Human rights aspects in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of drug and addiction policies

Lot 4: Prevention of drug use and related risks and harms

Lot 5: Prevention of risks and harms of online gambling and gaming and other addictive behaviours related to Internet use

Lot 6: Prevention, detection and investigation of drug trafficking and precursor diversion

Lot 7: Treatment and care for people with substance use disorders and behavioural addictions (in community settings)

Lot 8: Treatment and care for people with substance use disorders and behavioural addictions in criminal justice settings

Lot 9: Harm reduction interventions

Lot 10: Supporting IT services

Lot 11: Supporting communication services

It is possible to apply for more than one lot.



Interested consultants are invited to refer to the Tender File and the Act of Engagement, which contain a full description of the terms and conditions of engagement and the scope of activities:


The deadline for the submission of tenders is 16 September 2024 by 16:00 CET.

Bids must be submitted through the e-procurement platform: Bids submitted by email or letter will be rejected.

Applicants shall pay particular attention to completing, signing and submitting documents according to the instructions set in the Tender File and Act of Engagement. Candidates will be disqualified for any incomplete or missing documents.

Questions regarding this specific tendering procedure shall be submitted via the e-procurement platform at the latest one week before the deadline for submissions of tenders, i.e. by 9 September 2024, in English or French.

Answers will also be published on the platform - the applicant will receive an e-mail alert.


TIP: register as soon as possible to the platform and check the button “interested” in the tool - you will then receive an Alert by e-mail regarding any changes to the call for tenders.




Strasbourg, France
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