The Italian Presidency of the Council of Europe Pompidou Group welcomes the theme chosen for the 2024 International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking: “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention”.
Since Italy took over the presidency of the Pompidou Group, in January 2023, prevention has been one of its major priorities. Increasingly adequate information, first and foremost among the very young, is essential, accompanied by attention to the treatment and recovery of persons suffering from drug use disorders.
In this connection, the Italian Presidency hosted two international seminars: one dedicated to prevention, in June 2023 in Venice, and another one dedicated to recovery and education, in Naples in May 2024. These have been unique opportunities to share experiences and best practices among the 41 Pompidou Group member states, which are confronted with a rise of drug use and related risks, for both public health and security, as shown in the recently released European and World Drug reports.
Indeed, there is a growing need for a multidisciplinary and multistakeholder approach based on inter-ministerial cooperation with involvement of all relevant authorities at local, regional, national and international level to develop effective prevention strategies. To avoid the use of drugs and develop life skill competences to be able to say no to drugs at an early age should be the prerequisite of any prevention intervention. Tools which have demonstrated their efficiency exist and standards developed by EMCDDA and UNODC are successfully adapted and implemented by many countries. They rely on skills to be promoted by parents in the first place, and also by schools, cultural and sport associations, and by all structures which are interacting with young people.
The Pompidou Group fully supports UNODC’s campaign aimed at emphasizing evidence-based strategies, human rights, compassion, and understanding the social, economic, and health implications of drug use.