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The first edition of the Annual Conference of Drug Control Networks took place in Strasbourg, from 6-8 December 2023 and brought together over 170 experts from 40 countries, 5 international organizations, academia and the private sector.

It was the first edition of a new conference format launched by the Pompidou bringing together participants from different drug control and law enforcements sectors:  trafficking through airports, general aviation, precursors control, and drugs related cybercrime. This integrated conference format allowed for more synergies between different law enforcement services, in particular border control, criminal investigation and customs services.

As every year, the WCO RILO WE Annual report of seizures has been presented and can be found here: link to the report.

The second edition of the Annual Conference of Drug Control Networks will be organized in autumn 2024. Please note that registration for the 2024 Conference will be open in spring 2024.

Ms Samantha CLOITRE-ORENSTEIN from the Pompidou Group Secretariat (Samantha.CLOITRE-ORENSTEIN@coe.int) is responsible for the organisation of this activity and is at your disposal for any further information you may require.