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Congress observer delegation calls on Turkey to seize the opportunity to continue normalisation and enhance local democracy
Local elections in Turkey

Speaking at a press conference after the local elections held in Turkey on 31 March, the Head of the delegation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Andrew Dawson (United Kingdom, ECR), presented preliminary conclusions in Ankara.  “Our observation mission comprised 22 observers from 20 different European countries who witnessed voting taking place in around 140 polling stations throughout Turkey including Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Adana, Erzurum and Diyarbakir.”

 “Apart from some isolated inconsistencies observed, the Ballot Box Committees performed their technical, and procedural tasks competently. Without in any way minimising the tragedy of deaths which overshadowed the Election Day, we note that the elections were conducted in an orderly way,” he said highlighting the high turnout rate of 84%, the broad choice of political parties, as well as the technical proficiency of the election at all levels from the Supreme Election Council down to the individual Ballot Box Committees.

 “However, sound election administration and technical skills implementing the law are only parts of the overall picture that makes up the assessment of elections,” underlined the Head of Delegation. “In order to assess elections as being genuinely democratic and in accordance with the Council of Europe principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights, it needs more: a political environment where there is genuine freedom of expression, an atmosphere where media freedom is absolutely ensured, equal access for all parties running in elections to the media, a fair and reasonable legal framework overseen by a robust judiciary”, he explained.

See also:
Turkey and the Council of Europe

Congress Ankara 1 April 2019
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