Back GRETA published new country reports

Interview with Petya Nestorova


Interview with Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.


Human trafficking in Albania, Denmark, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova

Latest country reports from Council of Europe anti-trafficking experts GRETA

The Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has published its latest set of country-by-country monitoring reports.

The reports look at the extent to which Albania, Denmark, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova have put into practice the Council of Europe's anti-trafficking convention, including the follow-up which they have given to earlier GRETA recommendations.

Common themes identified in the reports include the fact that more trafficking victims are being identified, the majority of whom are women, and trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation is on the rise. In Albania, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova, trafficking within national borders is also increasing.

All four countries have been urged to improve the identification and protection of child victims of trafficking, as well as the identification of victims among irregular migrants and asylum seekers. Moreover, access to compensation for victims remains problematic.

On the positive side, anti-trafficking legislation has been strengthened, steps have been taken to raise awareness and improve training, and civil society is actively involved in anti-trafficking measures.

The Council of Europe’s 2005 convention on human trafficking sets out a series of measures to help prevent trafficking, protect victims and punish offenders. GRETA is responsible for monitoring how well countries implement the convention in both law and practice.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 10 June 2016
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