Back Parliamentary Assembly on Ukraine: All sides must stop violence and launch broad national dialogue

Parliamentary Assembly

Anne Brasseur, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), speaking on behalf of the Assembly’s Presidential Committee following a meeting in Luxembourg, has appealed to all sides in Ukraine to put an immediate end to violence and intimidation.

“On behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly, I express my sincerest sympathy to the families and relatives of all those who have lost their lives recently in Odessa and across the country. Violence cannot and will not bring a solution – it must immediately stop and all sides must ensure that human rights are effectively respected on the whole territory of Ukraine. Furthermore, thorough investigations into acts of violence and intimidation have to be carried out, and in this respect the mandate of the International Advisory Panel (IAP) on Ukraine, set up on the initiative of Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland, should be extended.” (more...)

Press release

Strasbourg 13/05/2014
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