Back Parliamentary Assembly President and leaders visit Ukraine

Parliamentary Assembly

A delegation of the leading members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), headed by its President Anne Brasseur, is to visit Kyiv, Donetsk and Lviv during a three-day visit to Ukraine from 22-24 March 2014.

The nine-member delegation – made up of the President of the Assembly, the heads of its five political groups and its Secretary General, as well as the two-co-rapporteurs for the monitoring of Ukraine – will assess the situation in Ukraine ahead of an urgent debate likely to take place at PACE’s spring plenary session (7-11 April 2014).

In Kyiv on Saturday 22 March, the delegation is due to meet the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and acting President, the Prime Minister, the Internal Affairs Minister and Foreign Minister, as well as the leaders of Ukraine’s main political parties and the chairman of the Meilis of the Crimean Tatar People.

In Donetsk on Sunday 23 and in Lviv on Monday 24, the delegation is due to meet the Governors of each oblast, the mayors of each city, and members of the regional councils, as well as representatives of Russian and Ukrainian cultural organisations (to be confirmed).

Press release
PACE Spring Session to discuss the situation in Ukraine and reconsideration of the credentials of the Russian delegation
Statement on Crimea by PACE President Anne Brasseur 
Statement on the situation in Ukraine by PACE Standing Committee

Read also:
Ukraine and the Council of Europe

Strasbourg 21/03/2014
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