Back Parliamentary Assembly President, ending visit, offers Council of Europe help with laying foundations for democratic reforms in Ukraine

Parliamentary Assembly

Anne Brasseur, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), speaking at the end of a three-day visit to Kyiv, Donetsk and Lviv by a delegation of leading members from the Assembly, has offered the Council of Europe’s help in assisting Ukraine to overcome the great challenges it faces. 

“Our delegation explored the consequences of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which I have strongly condemned. We also looked at the situation following events on Maidan,” said the President.

“The first priority is security and a calming of current tensions. The build-up of Russian military forces at the borders of Ukraine is of great concern. 

“We visited Donetsk in the east, where we witnessed the tensions surrounding the Russian-speaking community. These need to be addressed but should under no circumstances be used as an excuse for further Russian violations of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. I call on all involved to step back from any provocation or rhetoric which could heighten tensions further.” (more...)

See also:
PACE Spring Session to discuss the situation in Ukraine and reconsideration of the credentials of the Russian delegation
Parliamentary Assembly President and leaders visit Ukraine
Ukraine and the Council of Europe

Strasbourg 25/03/2014
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