Today, in the framework of the debate on the fight against anti-Gypsyism, the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities adopted a Declaration of Mayors and Elected Local and Regional Representatives of Council of Europe Member States against anti-Gypsyism. The declaration was presented by John Warmisham, Congress Spokesperson for Roma Issues, and Valeriu Nicolae, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (SRSG) for Roma Issues.
In the adopted Declaration, the Mayors commit themselves to defending human rights and democratic principles and to reject all forms of discrimination, violence, harassment, incitement to hatred and hate speech against Roma and Travellers and any other form of anti-Gypsyism. They also commit to refraining from any forms of political alliance or co-operation at all levels with any political parties or local and regional authorities which incite or attempt to stir up racial or ethnic prejudices and racial hatred.