Back Secretary General concerned over political situation in Moldova

Secretary General

Reacting to the recent political crisis in Moldova, Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland published the following statement: "I am following the developments in Moldova with concern. In the last few days the Moldovan Parliament has amended a number of laws fundamentally affecting the political system of the country. The laws on the constitutional court, the electoral legislation, the functioning of the Government and the functioning of the law-enforcement structures have been changed, sometimes repeatedly, without proper consultations. These amendments and the way they have been enacted risk to undermine the independence and the balance of institutions. The most recent amendments affecting the Constitutional court are of particular concern, as the proposed provisions seem to be in contradiction with the Moldovan Constitution, as well as with European standards on constitutional justice.

I call upon all political actors to act in a responsible manner. The coherence and the credibility of the country's European path is at stake. The Council of Europe will continue to engage with Moldova, including through itsVenice Commission, in order to help the country overcome the current political difficulties." 

Press release
Read also:
Moldova and the Council of Europe
PACE President calls for compliance with European standards in the Republic of Moldova

Strasbourg 06/05/2013
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