Back Towards a Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: Invitation to participate in consultations

Towards a Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime: Invitation to participate in consultations

Consultations on the ongoing preparation of a 2nd Additional Protocol to the Budapest Convention will be held within the framework of the Octopus Conference on Cybercrime from 11 to 13 July 2018, and specifically on Thursday, 12 July.

They are to permit an exchange of views between representatives of the Cybercrime Convention Committee and:

  • Civil society organisations and academia
  • Data protection experts
  • Industry (service providers and associations

Interested stakeholders are invited to register for the Octopus Conference by 10 June 2018. Conference space is limited. Interested stakeholders may also send written comments on the questions raised in this guide by 25 June 2018 to this e-mail.

Discussion Guidefor consultations with civil society, data protection authorities and industry [pdf]

Council of Europe Strasbourg 24 May 2018
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