The Council of Europe and the European Union: different roles, shared values


The Council of Europe and the European Union share the same fundamental values – human rights, democracy and the rule of law – but are separate entities which perform different, yet complementary, roles.

Focusing on those core values, the Council of Europe brings together governments from across Europe – and beyond – to agree minimum legal standards in a wide range of areas. It then monitors how well countries apply the standards that they have chosen to sign up to. It also provides technical assistance, often working together with the European Union, to help them do so.

The European Union refers to those same European values as a key element of its deeper political and economic integration processes. It often builds upon Council of Europe standards when drawing up legal instruments and agreements which apply to its 27 member states. Furthermore, the European Union regularly refers to Council of Europe standards and monitoring work in its dealings with neighbouring countries, many of which are Council of Europe member states.

The Lisbon Treaty increased the scope for European Union action in many areas where the Council of Europe already has significant experience and expertise. This has led to increased cooperation on issues such as fighting human trafficking, the sexual exploitation of children and violence against women. It has also opened the way for the European Union itself to sign up to the European Convention on Human Rights, and to other Council of Europe agreements.

Relations between the Council of Europe and the European Union are set out in the:


Back EU accession to Human Rights Convention

Let's overcome hurdles to ensure EU accedes to the Human Rights Convention, says President of the Parliamentary Assembly

“I note the view of the Court of Justice of the EU, made public in its opinion today, that the proposed arrangements for the EU’s accession to the European Convention on Human Rights are not – as they stand at the moment – compatible with EU law,” the President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Anne Brasseur said today.

“I call on the negotiators to carefully study this opinion, and immediately set to work to overcome the legal hurdles identified by the Court. We have begun a historic process, and I remain convinced that a coherent Europe-wide system of human rights protection is strongly in the interest of all of us.”

See also:
The Council of Europe and the European Union

Parlimentary Assembly Strasbourg 18 December 2014
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Budget contribution

The Annual Receipts on EU contributions under Joint Programmes between the Council of Europe and the European Union in 2019, amounted to €206.1 million. Co-funded by EU at 85%, by CoE at 15%

29 new Joint Programmes negotiated in 2019 for a total of €111.7 million.


Global Action on Cybercrime (GLACY), video report on a joint project between the Council of Europe and the European Union