The rule of law is a cornerstone of protecting and promoting human rights and democracy.
It guarantees that everyone is treated equally, that they have the right to challenge decisions through independent courts, and that public power is exercised transparently and accountably. This concept is essential to the Council of Europe’s mission to build strong human rights and democracy across its member states.
In a new compliance report on Bosnia and Herzegovina the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) assesses the country’s progress in implementing recommendations from GRECO’s fifth evaluation round report on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central...
Who Does What in the Council of Europe on the Rule of Law
The European Court of Human Rights plays a pivotal role in setting standards through its binding judgments on member states’ respect for human rights. The Venice Commission offers guidance on legal reforms and constitutional matters, with its Rule of Law Checklist offering an evaluation tool. Respect for the rule of law is included in every aspect of work – from making sure responses to cybercrime respect privacy and due process to ensuring that local government treats the public transparently and fairly.
The Council of Europe runs many projects together with governments and civil society to strengthen the rule of law. The Council of Europe Development Bank funds projects touching on the rule of law in public administration and legal systems.
Highlights of the Council of Europe’s Work to Promotes the Rule of Law
A handbook on protecting individual rights in interactions with public authorities from the European Committee on Legal Co-operation. The 2024 edition addresses the impact of AI in public decision-making.