The European Union and the Council of Europe continue to assist the penitentiary institutions in Kosovo* by strengthening their capacities related to management of violent and extremist prisoners (VEPs), and those vulnerable to radicalisation.
From 17 to 19 June 2024, prison practitioners from Kosovo Corrections Service gathered in Istog, for a three-day training on managing violent extremist prisoners (VEPs) and marginalised prisoners at risk of radicalisation. The program focused on using VEP-specific tools to screen for signs of radicalisation and assess risks and needs, while also addressing Individual approach to rehabilitation, preparation for release, and effective post-release support, all aimed at the VEPs social re-integration after release.
Front-line prison staff from security and treatment sector in Dubrava Prison and High Security Prison and management along with representatives of Kosovo Probation Service, and representatives of the Prevention and Reintegration Division of the Ministry for Internal Affairs, attended the training session. They had the opportunity to refresh their knowledge on core principles in use of the VEP specific tools and application of the treatment and rehabilitation approach in working with this category of prisoners.
Participants have expanded their knowledge in addressing common challenges, such as engaging unmotivated or resistant VEPs who are hesitant to participate in treatment or rehabilitation opportunities. They have also gained hands-on experience with the complete steps of the Pre-release Program and Post-release Support Framework, which were developed under the joint initiative by the European Union and the Council of Europe “Enhancing co-operation in the Western Balkans in managing violent extremism in prisons and preventing further radicalisation after release”. This practical experience has increased their understanding of the key preconditions for piloting these tools and programs in Kosovo. The preconditions include establishing the necessary institutional infrastructure for implementing pre-release programme and post-release reintegration support, ensuring effective coordination among the involved agencies, and, most importantly, building a working alliance with VEPs, who are the primary beneficiaries of these programs. The pilot implementation of these tools and programs in Kosovo is set to begin in July.
This event was organised under the auspices of the regional action “Enhancing co-operation in the Western Balkans in managing violent extremism in prisons and preventing further radicalisation after release”, part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.